Elevate every team member's communication skills with on-demand, personalized coaching.

Relately helps your team communicate better. Our AI coach provides personalized, on-demand support to improve workplace interactions for everyone on your team.

Meet relately

 Your team's new communication ally.

Equip your team with on-demand guidance to navigate difficult conversations, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity.

Role-Play Exercises

Non-verbal Communication Analysis

Personalized Learning Path

Performance Highlights

Courses & Exercises

Performance Highlights

Your Friendly AI Sidekick

Transform team culture

Your influence as a leader, team manager or HR is crucial in building a thriving team culture. While Relately empowers leaders to create the best possible collaborative space where communication thrives, all team-based roles benefit from Relately:

Leaders — Relately provides on-demand coaching to help you improve your collaborative communication skills. Use this guidance to ensure every team member feels heard and valued.

Team members — Equip your team with Relately to help them improve their communication strategies and create smoother and more productive collaboration across daily interactions, meetings, and other teamwork scenarios.

Tools for better workplace communication

Effective communication is the backbone of successful teams. Relately addresses common workplace challenges, providing your team with practical tools to excel, such as;

Conflict management — Navigate and resolve workplace with tailored and expert guidance. Relately offers actionable strategies for managing team-related disputes to promote a thriving team dynamic.

Negotiation — Relately equips your team with advanced negotiation tactics to secure better outcomes in discussions, drive more favorable agreements, and navigate challenging conversations with confidence.

Decision-making — Help your team overcome indecision by clarifying current communication obstacles and by providing actionable insights to promote better conversations.

How Relately works


Exploratory conversations with the AI coach to get advice on how to tackle any current challenges. These sessions provide customized feedback, allowing you to discuss and resolve your unique issues in a safe, supportive environment. ‍

How Relately works


Structured learning experiences focused on key topics, such as negotiation, conflict resolution, or boundary setting. Our courses include practice-driven content, featuring roleplaying modules that simulate real-life situations.

How Relately works


When faced with a specific challenge or needing to brush up on a particular area, you can engage in short, targeted exercises. This just-in-time learning approach ensures you have the tools they need, precisely when they need them.


Advanced Real-time AI Coaching

Relately is not another GPT chatbot coach. Our coach sees, hears, and engages with you in real-time and uses evidence-based methods rooted in psychological principles, to provide feedback and support.

Practice managing conflicts, understand your own and others' communication styles, and develop crucial skills - all with personalized, in-the-moment guidance.

Personalized Learning Path

Relately analyzes your conversations and communication patterns to suggest relevant courses and exercises. Continuously improve your skills with a learning journey designed to address your unique challenges and goals.

Emotional Intelligence Insights

Elevate your EQ. Relately helps you recognize and understand emotions - yours and others'. Learn to navigate complex social situations, build stronger relationships, and communicate with empathy and impact.

Non-verbal Communication Analysis

Master the unspoken language. Relately analyzes your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice in real-time. Gain insights into your non-verbal cues and learn how to align them with your words for more impactful communication.

Scientifically proven learning methods

Developed together with the Danish Technical University (DTU) and backed by Stanford studies, our methods are scientifically proven to reduce conflict and boost collaboration. Relately's learning methods are grounded in verified psychological research on effective communication.

Anytime, anywhere,  always private

Relately is there for you whenever you need it. Available 24/7 on any device, our app provides a secure, judgment-free space to work on your communication skills. Your data stays private - we never store voice or video content, ensuring your practice sessions remain confidential.

Words from users:

Thomas Saaby Noer
Head of Healthcare

"Just tried Relately - friggin awesome! 🚀"

Nehar Morteza
Project Manager

"Love what you guys are building. Had the privelige to test it and think it’s quite impressive. It blew away all my assumptions of an Ai coach, both can coexist and have different functions. Look forward to seeing the final product. "

Jonathan Bidstrup
Social Pedagogue

.."This is actually a game-changer for me. Never thought an app could make me better at my job 😄 The insights on emotional intelligence have helped me in how I handle difficult conversations with the parents of the youths I work with.."

Frederik Engels

.."The real-time feedback during practice sessions has made me much more aware of how I come across to my clients..."

Clara Webber
Clinical Psychologist

"I found myself invested in the exercise and found it very relieving to engage in. It helped alleviate my anxiety/agitation”

Raul Sanchez-Lopez

"..We set some SMART goals, we talked about negotiation, persuasive communication, conflict resolution, etc. Impressive! It is work in progress and it is already the best AI coach that I have interact with.."

Schedule a demo

Get Relately for your team

Unlock your team's full communcation potential with Relately. Schedule a 30-minute demo to learn about:

  • How Relately's AI adapts to your team's specific communication challenges

  • Customization options to address your unique team dynamics

  • Flexible pricing and implementation process for your team size

  • Any questions you might have about Relately

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Frequently asked questions

How does Relately compare to traditional communication training programs?

Unlike traditional programs or static learning platforms that quickly become outdated, Relately offers dynamic, AI-driven coaching that evolves with your team's needs. While traditional methods provide generic content, Relately delivers personalized guidance based on each individual's communication patterns and progress. This level of customization ensures that every team member receives relevant, timely advice that's immediately applicable to their specific challenges.

Moreover, Relately's continuous learning approach means your team is always developing their skills, rather than forgetting most of what they learned in a one-off workshop or e-learning module.

What makes Relately different from other AI assistants?

Unlike typical chatbots or AI assistants, Relately actually sees and hears you, providing comprehensive analysis of both verbal and non-verbal communication. It offers real-time, interactive feedback during practice sessions and creates a personalized learning journey based on your unique communication style and goals.

Can Relately be customized to our company's specific needs or industry?

Yes, we can develop custom courses, exercises, and role-plays tailored to your companys's unique challenges and industry-specific scenarios.

Is Relately suitable for remote or hybrid teams?

Absolutely. Relately is designed to support teams regardless of their location, making it ideal for remote, hybrid, or office-based teams.

Can I track my team's overall communication improvement?

This feature is currently in development for a future update. For now, users can track their individual progress on courses within the platform.

Can I customize communication goals for my team?

While we don't currently offer this feature, it's on our development roadmap. We recognize the value of allowing managers to tailor focus areas and goals for their specific team needs.

How often is new content added to the Relately platform?

We regularly update and add new content to the platform. As we're just getting started, you can expect to see fresh material and exercises frequently added to keep the learning experience engaging and relevant.

Does Relately replace the need for human communication coaches?

Relately isn't designed to replace human coaches or in-person sessions. Instead, we work in partnership with coaches who use Relately as a tool to provide their clients with consistent practice and feedback between sessions. This combination of human expertise and AI-driven practice offers a comprehensive approach to improving communication skills.

How does Relately address potential biases in its AI models?

We've conducted a comprehensive study with the Danish Technical University to ensure our models are as unbiased as possible. This is an ongoing focus, and we're committed to conducting further studies to continuously improve the fairness and objectivity of our AI.

How does Relately protect your data and ensure privacy?

We take data security seriously. Relately uses enterprise-grade encryption and complies with GDPR and other privacy regulations. We never share your data with third parties.

Growing library of courses, exercises and interactive role-plays

Join interactive lessons, get expert feedback, and exploreyour creativity in a supportive community.

Body Language
Conflict Resolution
Giving Feedback
Emotional Intelligence
Active Listening