Intelligent Support for Coaches

Extend your coaching impact beyond sessions

Without consistent practice and feedback, people can lose momentum, forget key lessons, or struggle to apply techniques effectively. Our AI-powered platform reinforces your teachings, keeping clients engaged and motivated. This accelerates client progress and amplifies your impact as a coach between sessions.

Meet the intelligent partner for communication coaches

Introducing Relately — your AI-powered coaching companion that enhances how clients engage with your teachings. By providing 24/7 support, personalized practice opportunities, and adaptive learning paths, Relately extends your coaching influence beyond in-person sessions. Experience the power of AI in supporting your coaching practice and boosting client progress.

Extend your coaching impact and keep the momentum

Relately seamlessly integrates with your coaching, offering two key advantages that amplify your effectiveness:

Continuous client engagement — Make your clients' habits stick through regular practice with Relately. Our platform reinforces your teachings, keeping clients motivated and progressing between sessions.

Personalized learning paths — Relately analyzes your clients' communication patterns and progress, suggesting tailored exercises and courses that align with their unique learning journey.

How Relately works


Exploratory conversations with the AI coach to get advice on how to tackle any current challenges. These sessions provide customized feedback, allowing you to discuss and resolve your unique issues in a safe, supportive environment. ‍

How Relately works


Structured learning experiences focused on key topics, such as negotiation, conflict resolution, or boundary setting. Our courses include practice-driven content, featuring roleplaying modules that simulate real-life situations.

How Relately works


When faced with a specific challenge or needing to brush up on a particular area, you can engage in short, targeted exercises. This just-in-time learning approach ensures you have the tools they need, precisely when they need them.

Words from users:

Thomas Saaby Noer
Head of Healthcare

"Just tried Relately - friggin awesome! 🚀"

Nehar Morteza
Project Manager

"Love what you guys are building. Had the privelige to test it and think it’s quite impressive. It blew away all my assumptions of an Ai coach, both can coexist and have different functions. Look forward to seeing the final product. "

Jonathan Bidstrup
Social Pedagogue

.."Relately is like having a communication expert in my pocket. The app's insights on emotional intelligence have transformed how I handle difficult conversations with the parents of the youths I work with.."

Frederik Engels

.."As a psychotherapist, I thought I had mastered communication, but Relately opened my eyes to subtle improvements. The things the AI picks up on in my communication have given me great insights.."

Clara Webber
Clin Psych,

"I found myself invested in the exercise and found it very relieving to engage in. It helped alleviate my anxiety/agitation”

Raul Sanchez-Lopez

"..We set some SMART goals, we talked about negotiation, persuasive communication, conflict resolution, etc. Impressive! It is work in progress and it is already the best AI coach that I have interact with.."

Pricing and revenue potential

Integrating Relately into your coaching practice not only enhances your clients' experience but also opens up a new revenue stream for your business. Here's how:

Pricing: $79/month/user — Relately offers premium AI-powered communication coaching at a competitive price point. This allows you to position it as a valuable, ongoing supplement to your coaching services. The pricing is designed to be accessible for individuals and scalable for teams, enhancing your overall offering to clients.

30% kickback for Certified Coaches — As a certified partner, you receive 30% of the revenue for each user license you sell. This can become a significant income source for your coaching business.

Ongoing Revenue — Your 30% kickback continues throughout each license period. This creates a reliable, passive income stream that grows with your client base, whether for monthly or yearly company licenses.

Example use-case

Imagine you're delivering a communication course for a mid-sized company. Here's how you might incorporate Relately into your program:

You introduce Relately as a complementary tool to reinforce and practice the skills you're teaching.

The company agrees to provide Relately licenses for all 50 attendees. The licenses are purchased for a 6-month period to align with your coaching program.

Your 30% kickback: $7,110 in additional revenue.

By incorporating Relately, you're not only providing your clients with a tool for continuous improvement but also creating a new revenue stream for your business.The beauty of this model is its scalability. As you work with larger teams or multiple companies, your Relately-generated revenue can grow significantly, all while enhancing the value you provide to your clients.

Become a Certified  Relately Partner

Join the growing network of Relately Partners – and unlock new opportunities to expand your coaching practice.

Apply now
Or book a meeting to hear more.


Get certified to offer Relately to your clients, adding a powerful AI tool to your coaching toolkit. Our certification process ensures you're fully equipped to leverage Relately's capabilities.

Create your own AI Courses

Design tailored courses and exercises within Relately that complement your in-person training. This allows you to extend your unique coaching methodology into the digital space, ensuring consistency in your clients' learning experience and reinforcing key concepts from your workshops.

Client Enhancement

Provide your clients with a tool for continuous improvement between sessions, boosting their progress and your impact. Relately becomes an extension of your coaching, working 24/7 to reinforce your coaching.

New revenue stream

Receive a kickback fee for each user you onboard to Relately, creating a new, sustainable revenue stream for your business. As your clients succeed with Relately and see the value in continuous AI-supported practice, your business grows through increased monthly revenue.

Easy and fast Certification Process

Apply now
Or book a meeting to hear more.

Submit your application and get approved by the Relately Team.

Accepted into program

1) Complete the Relately certification training in less than 60 minutes.

2) Book a 30 minute onboarding meeting with us, and ask any questions you might have.

Certified Partner

Start leveraging Relately to enhance your coaching practice and grow your business.

Frequently asked questions

Is Relately available in multiple languages?

Currently, Relately is available in English, German, Spanish and Danish, with plans to expand to other languages in the near future. We're prioritizing language expansion based on partner and client demand. If you have specific language needs, please let us know.

How does Relately integrate with my existing coaching methods?

Relately is designed to complement your coaching style, not replace it. You can create custom exercises and courses that align with your methodology, ensuring a seamless extension of your in-person training.

Can I get access to my clients' insights?

Proving the impact of your coaching can be challenging, especially when it comes to tracking results. We're currently working on making this simple through:

Clear progress tracking: Monitor your clients' improvement using standardized data metrics.

Easy reporting: Generate reports that show clients' progress, making it easy to showcase the value of your coaching.

These features are in development and will be available to certified partners in the near future.

What does the certification process to become a Relately Partner involve?

The certification process includes:

• A series of videos covering Relately's features and best practices
• A practical assessment to ensure you can effectively integrate Relately into your coaching
• Hands-on training on how to design custom exercises, courses, and content within the Relately platform that complement your coaching methodology
• A final exam to test your knowledge of the platform

What kind of support do I receive as a Certified Relately Partner?

As a Certified Partner, you'll receive:

• Comprehensive training on using and integrating Relately
• Regular updates on new features and best practices
• Access to a community of fellow certified coaches for knowledge sharing
• Dedicated support for any questions or issues you encounter

How do I explain the benefits of Relately to my clients?

We provide all partners with marketing materials and talking points to help you communicate the value of Relately. Key benefits to highlight include 24/7 availability for practice, personalized feedback, and accelerated skill development through consistent engagement.

Is there a minimum number of licenses I need to sell to become a partner?

There's no minimum requirement. We believe in the value Relately can bring to practices of all sizes. Whether you're working with individual clients or large corporate teams, you can become a Certified Relately Partner.

How often is Relately updated with new features?

We're committed to continuous improvement. Relately receives regular updates based on partner feedback and advancements in AI technology. As a partner, you'll always be updated and have access to the latest features and improvements.

How does Relately address potential biases in its AI models?

We've conducted a comprehensive study with the Danish Technical University to ensure our models are as unbiased as possible. This is an ongoing focus, and we're committed to conducting further studies to continuously improve the fairness and objectivity of our AI.

What customization options does Relately offer?

Currently, the primary way to tailor Relately to your coaching style is through creating custom exercises and courses that reflect your methodology. We're actively working on exciting features for the future, such as:

Personality customization: Adjusting the AI's communication style to better match your coaching approach and style.

Custom voice options: Potentially allowing the AI to use a voice that aligns with your brand, maybe even your own voice.

Avatar options: We're working on developing a wider range of avatar choices, including the potential for custom avatars that resemble you, the coach. This will allow you to select an AI representation that best aligns with your brand and coaching style.

We're committed to making Relately a highly flexible tool for our partners. As we develop these features, we're keen to hear from our partners about what customizations would be most valuable to them. Your feedback helps shape our development roadmap, ensuring that future updates align with the needs of communication coaches.

How does Relately ensure the privacy and security of my clients' data?

We take data privacy very seriously. All interactions within Relately are encrypted, and we adhere to strict data protection protocols. We do not share or sell user data. Detailed information about our security measures is available in our privacy policy.